tremble clef

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Depeche Mode, "Suffer Well" (2005)

If the pop career ever goes bust,* Depeche Mode can always rely on their lucrative sideline of writing Hallmark cards.

*Probably won't. However, I do find the new album Playing the Angel not very interesting, aside from the understated single "Precious," the poppy "Lilian," the Gore-sung but rather-too-familiar "Damaged People," and, best of all, this almost-twangy track. (I wish its explosive chorus came sooner, though.)


  • I feel like I should be more pleased to see Depeche Mode with a new album and all, given my constant listening to them in my days of youth. But I just can't get very interested. In contrast, PSB, my other musical obsession at around the same time, continue to interest me. I have no theory about this, but maybe you do.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:48 AM  

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